Wholesale Program



Joining For Free

Agency For Free

No Inventory Risk

Become a Wholesaler

Website / Platform

Have your own shop or online shop.
Examples: an individual, own website, Esty, Influencer, Bloger, Youtuber, Ebay etc.
ATTENTION: Not Allow to Sale on Amazon!

Estimated Sales Volume / Order

Become a AINUOSHI Wholesaler when one design amount reaches USD1000.
We can provide you with images and infrmation of our products.

Do What Best Fits Your Budget

Our pricing is set to help you succeed in your business. You buy direct from us. No middleman means you enjoy more savings and purcharse supplies at a lower cost.

Contact Us

Contact us to get the wholesale prices.
Email: wholesale@ainuoshi.com
Tel & WhatsApp: +1 (818) 570-6088
Skype: ainuoshi@outlook.com

Become a Wholesaler

Website / Platform

Have your own shop or online shop.
Examples: an individual, own website, Esty, Ebay, Aliexpress etc.
ATTENTION: Not Allow to Sale on Amazon!

Estimated Sales Volume / Order

Become a AINUOSHI Wholesaler when one design amount reaches USD1000.
We can provide you with images and infrmation of our products.

Do What Best Fits Your Budget

Our pricing is set to help you succeed in your business. You buy direct from us. No middleman means you enjoy more savings and purcharse supplies at a lower cost.

Contact Us

Contact us to get the wholesale prices. Email: wholesale@ainuoshi.com
Tel & WhatsApp: +1 (818) 570-6088
Skype: ainuoshi@outlook.com

Why Choose AINUOSHI Jewelry?


At AINUOSHI Stone we only provide stones in colour range D..Enjoy same as diamond value without the cost.


We support you with a range of products: bridal jewelry, wedding bands, fine jewelry, pearl jewelry, mossanite jewelry etc.

Outstanding Handcrafted Quality

Buying online doesn't mean buying cheap. All our items are handmade by professional craftsmen.
Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail by seasoned craftsmen.

Own Factory

Each of our pieces is designed in our AINUOSHI workshop and manufactured by expert craftsmen. Our team handles every step of the process: drawing, casting, setting, and finishing.
You'll never find a AINUOSHI design anywhere else.

Why Choose AINUOSHI Jewelry?


At AINUOSHI Stone we only provide stones in colour range D..Enjoy same as diamond value without the cost.


We support you with a range of products: bridal jewelry, wedding bands, fine jewelry, pearl jewelry, mossanite jewelry etc.

Outstanding Handcrafted Quality

Buying online doesn't mean buying cheap. All our items are handmade by professional craftsmen. Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail by seasoned craftsmen.

Own Factory

Each of our pieces is designed in our AINUOSHI workshop and manufactured by expert craftsmen. Our team handles every step of the process: drawing, casting, setting, and finishing.
You'll never find a AINUOSHI design anywhere else.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at wholesale@ainuoshi.com, we can assist in finding you the perfect pieces for your shop.

Contact Us